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Free Training Group

Doing your own training and need some extra hands? Check out the Airborne K9 Texas training club!

This club is 100% free to join however, you MUST register and provide proof of age-appropriate vaccines for your dog before attending. 


The goal of this club is to create a space for owners to have access to certain training scenarios that are difficult to recreate at home ( such as walking your dog through a crowd to practice for an AKC CGC test or IGP BH .) 


While you don't need to be training for a specific sport or title to attend, owners are expected to show up with a training plan. This club is not a step-by-step group class. It is a resource to aid a preexisting training plan. If you need guidance starting a new sport or behavior we are happy to help get you on track.


Owners are also expected to provide the following for their dog: reward items, equipment such as collars and leashes, water, a safe place for their dog to stay between sessions (such as a kennel in their vehicle), and anything else needed for a successful training experience. Some equipment may be available on loan from Airborne K9 but must be returned by the end of the club in a similar condition to how it was borrowed. 


Participants are expected to show good sportsmanship. This includes but is not limited to, staying and helping for every session (not just your own), being respectful of others even in disagreement, and maintaining control over your dog. Participants who cannot act appropriately, or are a safety concern, may be asked to leave. Children and spectators are welcome but all children must have an adult present. Children must be under supervision at all times for safety. 


The Airborne K9 Texas training club is organized in two parts. First is the open field. Multiple dogs may be on the field and this is used as a warm-up period. Once the open field portion ends, dogs and handlers will go on the field one at a time to work. If your dog is not working they need to be contained somewhere off the field. It is the owner's responsibility to monitor their own dog to prevent heat injury etc. During Individual training time, the working participant may request help for providing distractions or an extra pair of hands. All club members are expected to help out when needed. 


Club is held on Sundays at 11 am at the Copperas Cove City Park. For the latest information on cancellations or location changes please follow us on facebook or Instagram

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